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Adult Discipleship

As we seek to obey the command to take up our cross and follow Jesus, we want to be intentional about the spaces we create do grow in maturity together. There are a variety of contexts outside the Sunday morning gathering for adults, students, and children to engage with one another for growth in the gospel, understanding of the Scriptures, and encouragement from the saints.

Life Groups

Long before our Sunday Morning gatherings began we established ourselves as a church of small groups. We call them Homepointes. These are the lifeblood of Crosspointe and are characterized by three things:

  1. Biblical - Our small group discussions are usually based on the passage of scripture that is taught from the pulpit on Sundays

  2. Intergenerational - We believe there is a huge benefit in grandparents, parents, students, and children meeting together for Bible study

  3. Missional - in addition to study and fellowship our groups are on mission together to reach their neighborhoods


Men at Crosspointe

One of the most fundamental needs men have today is relationships and yet surveys indicate that most men lack relationships with any sort of depth, particularly with other guys that love God and His Word.

Our primary method for discipling men is what we call FIGHT CLUBS. There are small groups of men (4-6) that meet on a weekly to bi-weekly basis in order to “fight the good fight of faith” 1 Timothy 6:12

We also take a brief Men’s retreat the last weekend in January.  This usually consists of a Friday night and Saturday at a conference center nearby.


Women at Crosspointe

Our women are cherished as depicted in Proverbs 31. A thriving woman is one who loves and uses her gifts to serve the body of the church.


Our women meet for short-term bible studies (6-8 weeks) during the spring, summer and fall. The model we try to follow for discipling women is found in Titus 2 where Paul urges Titus to train older women (generally, not always) to teach the younger women.


Our women also gather for fellowship activities and simulcast events throughout the year.

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Anchor 1
Study Group

Equip Groups

Crosspointe members are equipped to follow Christ in short-term bible studies on Wednesday nights.  Our preschool and elementary kids learn stories from the Bible in the Gospel Project.  Our secondary students meet in gender-specific D-groups.  Our adults meet for a variety of focused studies on matters like spiritual disciplines, finances, marriage, and parenting.  Equip meets on Wednesday nights from 6:30-7:30.

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